Install newer (or latest) PostgreSQL on TurnKey

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TurnKey Hub user Vishal recently asked about installing PostgreSQL v14+ on TurnKey. He noted that he was interested in Postgres 14 or higher because of the new IVM extension (incrementally updating materialized views). I started answering his support request, but then thought I might as well post this on the blog as perhaps it provides value for others?!

Firstly, some context and background...

Updated Webmin packages in TurnKey testing repository

[Update: 2021-02-12] Updated Webmin packages which include Webmin v1.970 (plus the previously mentioned tweak to the MySQL module) have been pushed to the "main" TurnKey repo. So enabling the TurnKey testing repo is no longer required (I've edited the post to hopefully make that clear).

How to update Ghost on a v15.x TurnKey Ghost appliance

In this post, I'll cover the process required the first time you update the Ghost blog software, on a TurnKey Linux Ghost appliance. This applies equally, not matter what platform it's running on; from self hosted VM, to the Hub. Once you've run through this tutorial, in future, you'll be able to simply run:

v15.x - Updated apps, plus new Redis appliance

Bugfixes and Updates

We have published a number of updated appliances since my last appliance updates blog post (all the way back in February!?). This post is well overdue and in fact a few of the appliances have been updated multiple times... Please read on about the new Redis appliance. And/or read about the updated appliances and the relevant changes of significance.

All of these appliances are now available to download from their relevant appliance pages (links provided in each entry). They are also available to run in the cloud from the TurnKey Hub and/or for Proxmox within the storage templates section. The most June updates will also be available from AWS Marketplace ASAP; the earlier updates should be available already.

v15.x - 12 Updated Appliances, plus New OpenCart Appliance

Bugfixes and Updates

There are 13 12 Appliances that have recently been updated, and one new appliance; OpenCart.

Some appliances include security related updates, some include bugfixes, some include both.

v15.1 Appliance Updates and Bugfixes - 70+ Rebuilt and Updated Apps

In the wake of the "mini-nightmare" (to quote a user) that was the Debian MariaDB auto removal fiasco; we're back with ~70 updated appliances (all the ones with MySQL/MariaDB). They include all the latest Debian packages.