Updated Webmin packages in TurnKey testing repository

[Update: 2021-02-12] Updated Webmin packages which include Webmin v1.970 (plus the previously mentioned tweak to the MySQL module) have been pushed to the "main" TurnKey repo. So enabling the TurnKey testing repo is no longer required (I've edited the post to hopefully make that clear).

Building a better, bigger TurnKey library

This blog post started out as a response to a private email discussion between me and contributing developer Eric (tssgery) whom recently developed TurnKey Observium, one of TurnKey's top ten downloads. Observium is very popular for a newly hatched appliance. It has the same number of downloads as Redmine, which we've supported for a few years now!

Eric wrote:

TKL has two big issues as I see it:

  1. Marketing. You're the best kept secret of the internet.
  2. Testing. Too many appliance/products to be supported.

A lazy yet surprisingly effective approach to regression testing

To regression test, or not to regression test

Building up a proper testing suite can involve a good amount of work, which I'd prefer to avoid because it's boring and I'm lazy.

On the other hand, if I'm not careful, taking shortcuts that save effort in the short run could lead to a massive productivity hit further down the road.

For example, let's say instead of building up a rigorous test suite I test my code manually, and give a lot of careful thought to its correctness.

Right now I think I'm OK. But how long will it stay that way?