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Launching TurnKey Hub into private beta: cloud deployment simplified

Towards the end of last year we decided it was time to start working on an idea we've been toying with for a while. Mapping out the feature set was fun, and a lot of the current and future features are based on feedback we received from you guys and gals, as well as many related questions and comments from around the net.

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Automatic batch editing of Drupal nodes and CCK file fields

In a previous post I explained why we decided to convert most of the images on this site from PNG to JPG and how we used ImageMagick to batch it.

What I didn't get into is how we updated Drupal, our CMS,  to point to all these newly converted files. Manually uploading and updating nearly two hundred new images through a web form is time consuming and boring. Finding a non labor intensive solution can also be time consuming... but so much more interesting!

Once you know how, it's not really that difficult.