v15.1 Appliance Updates and Bugfixes - 70+ Rebuilt and Updated Apps

In the wake of the "mini-nightmare" (to quote a user) that was the Debian MariaDB auto removal fiasco; we're back with ~70 updated appliances (all the ones with MySQL/MariaDB). They include all the latest Debian packages.

v15.0 Stable Release #4 - final appliance roundup

I'm pleased to announce the 4th and final stage of the v15.0 release. This final instalment consists of 31 new, updated and/or bugfixed appliances. It follows release parts 1, 2 and 3. As per stage 2; it includes the appliances in all available build types. It includes a brand new video hosting appliance; YouPHPTube, as well as bugfix releases of a number of v15.0 appliances (as v15.1/v15.2). It also hails an update to the Hub which makes v15.x appliances the default option when launching new servers. Read on from more info, or jump straight to the links.

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v15.0 Stable Release #3 - 35 updated/new apps in all builds

UPDATE: Stage 4; the 4th and final instalment of v15.0, includes the remaining v15.0 appliances, plus a number of bugfixed and updated v15.0 apps - 31 in total. All appliances are available in ISO, OVA/VM, OpenStack, Xen, Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds.

I'm pleased to announce followup to stages One and Two of the v15.0 release with the release of stage 3. Stage Three includes another 35 v15.0 appliances; including 3 brand new ones: Gitea, Syncthing and ZoneMinder - read on for a full overview. I'll also be announcing v15.0 Hub builds very soon too, but I've decided to save that for another post - but it will be soon I promise!

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v15.0 Stable Release #2 - 47 OVAs, OpenStack and Xen builds

UPDATE: Stage 3 includes 35 additional appliances; including info on 3 new v15.0 appliances, plus other notes of interest. Stage 4; the 4th and final instalment of v15.0, includes the remaining v15.0 appliances, plus a number of bugfixed and updated v15.0 apps - 31 in total. All appliances are available in ISO, OVA/VM, OpenStack, Xen, Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds.

I'm pleased to followup stage 1 of the v15.0 release with the release of OVA, VM, OpenStack and Xen builds (plus Docker and Proxmox/LXC) for the appliances already released as ISO. Essentially stage 2 of the v15.0 release.

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v15.0 Stable Release #1 - 47 ISOs including Core, LAMP and WordPress

UPDATE: Stage 2 includes OVA/VM, OpenStack and Xen. Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds published too. Stage 3 includes 35 additional appliances; including info on 3 new v15.0 appliances, plus other notes of interest. Stage 4; the 4th and final instalment of v15.0, includes the remaining v15.0 appliances, plus a number of bugfixed and updated v15.0 apps - 31 in total. All appliances are available in ISO, OVA/VM, OpenStack, Xen, Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds.

I am overjoyed to announce stage 1 of the TurnKey v15.0 stable release is now available.

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Stage 1 of the TurnKey GNU/Linux v15.0 stable release is finally available for public consumption! Stage 1 includes nearly half the library (47 appliances to be precise), albeit only in ISO format so far. We are busily preparing updated Hub builds, as well as Amazon MarketPlace builds which I hope to announce very soon too. All the other build types (i.e. VM/OVA, OpenStack, Proxmox/LXC, Xen & Docker) will follow soon after.

The relevant v15.0 ISOs are all available for download via the "v15.0" links on their respective appliance pages. Updated appliances for this stage include Core LAMP, WordPress, Joomla3, Drupal 7, Drupal 8 [unpublished due to security issue], and more. v15.0 changes worthy of particular note include a new Debian base OS, inclusion of PHP7, MariaDB replaces MySQL, a new Webmin theme, Reproducible Packages and Website upgrades (work in progress), as well as many other tweaks, improvements and upgrades.

Read on for details. Alternatively, jump straight to the list of upgraded appliances to jump straight in! :)

TurnKey v15.0 RC1 is LIVE!

UPDATE: Stage 1 of v15.0 stable release is now available. It includes 47 updated appliance ISOs. Stage 2 includes OVA/VM, OpenStack and Xen. Docker and Proxmox/LXC builds published too. Stage 3 includes 35 additional appliances; including info on 3 new v15.0 appliances, plus other notes of interest.

v14.2 Release Update #5 - final updated appliances and wrapup

About 3 weeks since my last announcement, I am super excited to announce the final few v14.2 appliances! And the completion (almost) of the v14.2 release! Yay!

v14.2 Release Update #4 - 17 more updated appliances and v14.2-update#3 optimized builds

This release update was a bit quicker! :) Barely 2 weeks since the last one, here comes another v14.2 update...!

v14.2 Release Update #3 - 3 brand new appliances and 24 updated apps (ISO only; others coming)

Almost another month has passed since my v14.2 - update #2 announcement. I must say that this is taking longer than I'd hoped, but we're getting there.

v14.2 Release Update #2 - 25 more apps, new OpenStack, OVA & VMDK

What!?! Another month (actually a month and a half) has gone by and we're only just announcing the next batch?! Well, I better get on with it then!
