Watch this space. New TurnKey website beta coming soon...!

The current (old) TurnKey website is getting a bit tired so we're going to update it! :)

We'll use this URL for testing and feedback. We've already got a POC and we'll add that here soon.
Once it's ready for production, it'll go live, replacing the main site.

I'm not going to give too much away yet, but after using a CMS forever, we've decided to do things a bit differently.
We're going static! No CMS for the bulk of the site for it's next iteration.

Beyond the forums and comments, most of our content could easily be static as it doesn't need to be updated that often.
So making the core of the website static is a bit of a no-brainer.

Appliance, changelog & doc page updates will be automated, reducing workload and ensuring consistency.
E.g. automated syncing between appliance repo readmes and appliance webpage text.

Plus the site will load quicker.

We're also intending to make the new site super sexy! ;)

Updates here will likely be incremental and we still need to iron out some details, primarily integrating forums and blog comments.
But we'll work it out!

We've already got a POC and we aim to add that here soon. If you've got any feedback or suggestions, including ideas for our integrating
forums and comments with a static site, we'd love to hear.